"[...] We wanted to offer our customers a product which to rethink stimulates. The glass straws are sustainable, from Germany and 100% plastic-free. Working with HALM was very uncomplicated and really has fun did. For every question, from the ordering process to production, we received a prompt answer. Since our logo contains very fine lines, HALM pattern engravings created. When it came to packaging, we were really no limits and we were able to design everything according to our ideas."

Eve Walter, Walter distillery

HALM is the doubly sustainable advertising medium

With the laser engraving of a logo and the personalization of the packaging, HALM not only represents a sustainable, but also a modern advertising medium Employee & customer gift or give away at events - HALM is high-quality , innovative and versatile .

But with HALM you not only use a marketing tool with recognition value, that the sustainability of your company emphasizes, but also an advertising medium that can be used in the long term. Namely, where other advertising materials end up in the garbage after - in the worst case even before - a single use, HALM glass drinking glass straws convince with theirs infinite usability and take care of one lasting impression . Twice as sustainable! Decide for the market leader - the original from Germany !

The versatility of HALM glass straws at a glance



HALM set with individual engraving

Take the opportunity to give your HALM drinking straw a personal touch. With an elegant laser engraving of your logo, a HALM set is the perfect marketing tool with recognition value.

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HALM set with individual insert

Add your personal design to the inlay of your set of 4 or 6. Your customers will see your message on thefirst view.

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HALM set with individual packaging

Design your HALM set according to your wishes. The individual sets of 1, 2, 4 and 6 are great as employee or customer gifts or as Advertising Materials .

You have the options between co-branding and private label choose packaging. You can also use HALM 's positive brand image or design the set according to your wishes.

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HALM drinking straws in a practical folding card

Promote your brand with the individually designed folding card . An innovative & sustainable advertising medium that is perfect as a give-away or gift card for your customers.

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